Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays!

December is back, bringing with it a lot of diverse work opportunities.

Recently, I finished some illustrations for that are now published online - including a short comic that provides an origin story for the company's logo, Butlr Bot. All of this work is experimental for me; everything is digitally colored and edited in photoshop. I also collaborated with senior visual designer Moly Yim in adding photographic depth to each piece. That link is here.

Additionally, I'm finishing up my first ebook, which I'm pretty excited about! I believe the app is debuting in January, so look for an update then. It's a good time working on publishing work, and my art directors have been fantastic. More details will come in 2012, and expect images!

Anyways, happy holidays! If I get the green light post 25th, I'll post some holiday gift pictures here. I like to wrap presents in a very distinct way.


  1. omg, I didn't look at your comic until just now, THAT IS AWESOME!!!!

  2. Hey thanks, Yoshi! During that project I actually kept your style in mind as my boss wanted "really saturated colors."
